What is my package for?

Chakra Is for the ease of making discord bots. It automates many tedious tasks.

Warning: Chakra is still very buggy and is still in development!

Here are a couple of examples of some amazing bots made with Chakra:

No bots have been made yet. (This gives you better chances of being shown up here if you make a bot)

— From Noone (yet)

No bots have been made yet. (This gives you better chances of being shown up here if you make a bot)

— From Noone (yet)

Getting Started

const Discord = require('discord.js')
const client = new Discord.Client()
const engine = require('chakra-engine')
const config = JSON.parse(require('./config.json'))

const token = config.token
// V for logging into the website
const oauthLink = config.oauthLink
// V port for website
const PORT = config.port || 80
// V so the engine can read your package.json
const pack = require('package.json')

engine.initialize(token, oauthLink, PORT, pack)

Important lessons:

Learn the fundamentals of Chakra to get a deeper understanding of our main features:

Last updated